'PR Lessons Learned Along the Way'
Book Reviews
"Marc Whitt's book, PR Lessons Learned Along The Way, is truly remarkable -and I say that having reviewed many PR books in my time. The advice 'Maintain a good sense of humor. It will always see you through life's ups and downs' has surely never been more apt than today, with so much bad news around us. And yet the optimism that runs through this book is precisely what we need right now, and is also precisely true. Our profession's embrace of professionalism; of constant improvement; and of strategy make it -as Whitt argues- indispensable. PR is a conversation, not a lecture. And reading this book feels exactly that -one expert having a conversation with his readers, and imparting the knowledge of decades along the way."
- Francis Ingham, MPRCA, PRCA Director General, London, England
"PR Lessons Learned Along The Way is a superb resource offering context and guiderails to manage nonprofit and higher education brands in a strategic and sustainable way. Marc reminds us of the inherent service orientation of our calling, the imperative of values such as leadership, integrity and urgency, the value of playing the long game, and the devil that resides in the detail of public relations work. Whether you are a communications rookie, a mid-career professional or a seasoned expert, you will come away from PR Lessons Along The Way feeling empowered and maybe even a little more in love with the craft than you were yesterday."
- Morgan Roth, Senior Vice President, Communication & Marketing, The ALS Association, Washington, DC
"I have been looking forward to the day Marc Whitt would share his wisdom in a book. Marc has always been a leader in our field, no matter his institutional or professional association role. His casual writing style makes this book a real treat to read, and I suggest you keep it on your desk for quick reference."
- Larry D. Lauer, Vice Chancellor Emeritus, Texas Christian University, and Author, Advancing Higher Education in Uncertain Times
"Have you ever found yourself nodding and saying, 'Yes, yes!' while reading a book? When a writer unveils morsels of wisdom that ring true, that's what happens. In PR Lessons Learned Along the Way, Marc Whitt's observations are born out of being in the trenches, making mistakes and achieving monumental goals. Buy this book. Read it through. And when you need a pep talk or a reminder of why PR is the best profession in the world, pick it back up. You'll put it down smiling again."
- Nancy Wiser, President, Wiser Strategies, APR, Fellow, PRSA, Lexington, Kentucky
"PR Lessons Learned Along the Way is more than a book about PR, it's a book about relationships - with your stakeholders, your team and with yourself. While aimed at the public relations professional (specifically in the fields of education and non-profit) Marc Whitt offers insight which would ring true to those in many sectors. Always positive and engaging, PR Lessons feels like sitting for a chat with a mentor who, with either tales of experience or a knowing aphorism, wants to help you achieve your goals and for you in turn to help those around you reach their potential."
- Rob Smith, Editor, CIPR's Influence, London, The United Kingdom
"Marc Whitt's new book is a reflection of the type of practitioner he is: authentic, credible, practical, and remarkably effective. Written for pros in the higher education and nonprofit arena, PR Lessons Learned Along the Way provides invaluable tips and advice for practitioners, regardless of experience. The author bases his 22 chapters on more than 30 years of experience, and the pages exude real-world sincerity on how its readers can become the best versions of themselves, professionally speaking. This book is a must-read for all nonprofit public relations practitioners. You should put this book on your shelves."
- Dr. Pam Parry, APR, Professor of Public Relations, Southeast Missouri State University, and Author of Eisenhower: The Public Relations President
"A wise reader will devour this book, highlight its key passages, and return to it often for accessible advice when confronted with the daily challenges that arise in the complexities of our discipline. Over time, a smart reader will find that her or his copy of this book is dog-eared from return visits. Marc has penned a bellwether treatise that will stand the test of time."
- Mark Kinders, Vice President for Public Affairs (Retired), University of Central Oklahoma
"Marc Whitt's book is an indispensable guide for all of us currently in public relations and advancement, as well as for anyone seeking to enter the field. Marc applies his many years of experience to each topic he addresses, but his tone is never condescending or 'know-it-all' - instead, he offers pragmatic advice and solutions that will help everyone from the PR newbie to the seasoned veteran."
- Jeffrey T. Spoeri, Associate Vice President for University Advancement, Lamar University, Beaumont, Texas
"There's no shortage on business advice books by experienced folks anxious to share their wisdom. More unusual is wisdom that can readily be assimilated and reapplied in new contexts. PR pro Marc Whitt's new book, PR Lessons Learned Along the Way, is just such an offering. As much a tool kit as memoir, Whitt draws on his broad experience with both higher education and nonprofit Public Relations to offer relevant and practical 'tools' aplenty. The lessons are clear and broadly appliable. His engagingly friendly writing feels like an inspiring conversation with a particularly knowledgeable and respected mentor. That's no accident, as he's also a skilled educator. His observations reflect years of practical experience, but are also refreshingly upbeat. It's easy to imagine coming away with a positive attitude, a bunch of fresh ideas, and the energy to chase them all. It's a highly recommended read."
- Dr. Jim Gleason, APR, Associate Professor, Public Relations, Eastern Kentucky University,
Richmond, Kentucky
"Marc Whitt’s book ‘PR Lessons Learned Along the Way’ is a gem. A joy to read, and such an engaging writing style you feel like you’re listening to a trusted friend - one with considerable and valuable experience in PR and communications which he’s happily willing to share. He covers a whole range of topics relevant to today’s savvy PR professional, with stalwarts such as crisis communications, media relations, social media and branding in the mix. However, often overlooked areas are refreshingly visited too, including donor communications for the not-for-profit and charity sector, total PR programme management, and the need to invest in ‘town and gown’ relations for comms teams working in the higher education and University sector.
"His book is also unique as he consistently offers words of wisdom to readers as they move between chapters, which are encouraging and inspiring. His engaging and direct advice elevates the book from an excellent ‘best practice’ in PR and communications guide to one which provides personal counsel. It offers genuine ‘arm round the shoulder’ advice from a mentor, backed by a communications career in the USA spanning 35 years. Whether you are entry level, mid-career or a senior PR and communications professional, you will find an abundance of ideas, advice, guidance and wisdom here. A must-read, accessible, and unique perspective of PR practice."
- Dr. Jane Tonge, Marketing & PR Consultant & Networking Trainer; Director at BOOST Communications and Training Ltd., Manchester, England
“If Dale Carnegie ever wanted to write a sequel to How to Win Friends and Influence People, PR Lessons Learned Along the Way would be it!.”
- Tom Hayes, Dean, Williams College of Business, Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio, and Author, Marketing Colleges and Universities, A Services Perspective
"Marc Whitt takes a complex subject and gives the reader straightforward practical advice. One is reassured that the potential challenges associated with 'town and gown' can easily be overcome by following simple, common-sense guidelines. Not only limited to university, community and municipal issues, Marc deftly addresses the potential to enhance the economy by engaging with all sectors, particularly tourism. Marc writes in a comprehensive, easy to follow style with points clearly set out. A pleasure to read, this book is a must for all involved in the 'town and gown' debate."
- Cooper Healey, Chair, United Kingdom Town & Gown Association, Manchester, England
"A true delight of a read that clearly sets out the strategic and practical approaches to developing expertise in the world of PR. Marc Whitt draws on key principles harnessed throughout not only his career, but also intertwines these lessons with reflections from wider life experiences. Marc invites the reader to trip through the narrative, interspersing motivational and thought provoking quotes which both challenge and inspire. Many of the principles can be applied not only in a work setting but as building blocks for life. Marc sets out a blueprint for successfully navigating the reader through the intricacies of managing town gown relations, in both an eloquent, and accessible way."
- Poppy Humphrey, Director of Community Engagement, LINK Strategic Partners and UKTGA Co-founder, Manchester, England
"Read it and REAP! Just like the author, you'll find this book--PR Lessons Learned Along the Way--to be engaging, generous, and approachable. Engaging, because the author, Marc Whitt, knows how to tell a good story that keeps one's attention. Generous, because Marc freely shares solid advice he has learned throughout his own very successful career. And, approachable, because just like Marc's own broad, welcoming smile, he writes in a way uncluttered by jargon or trendy buzz words. By reading this book, you will reap lots of great insights from one who knows--and lives by--what he shares on these pages. As a professional colleague and counterpart at a neighboring higher-ed institution, I've observed Marc's career for two decades, often referring to him as a 'consummate professional.' No wonder Melissa Ezarik (in her foreword to this book) includes Marc Whitt on her 'short list of memorable campus PR pros.' Read this book to reap the benefit of Marc's experience, lessons-learned, and success along the way."
- Timothy W. Jordan, Executive Director of Marketing & Communications- Interim, Georgetown (Kentucky) College
"Every so often you come across a book that's a classic; one that has all of the best principles and gets to the heart of the Public Relations profession. Author Marc Whitt has written this book. Packed with excellent insights and sage advice, PR Lessons Learned Along the Way, has information that comes from years of experience and someone who understands the meaning and the work of the PR professional. The author offers plenty of advice to higher education and non-profit professionals. Yet, his advice can serve all professionals, in different industries, with his solid strategies and tactics. So when you think of a classic, must-read book, PR Lessons Learned Along the Way checks all of the boxes!"
- Deirdre Breakenridge, Author, Executive Media/Communications Trainer & PR Strategist
"After a thirty-year career in higher education PR, Marc Whitt delivers not a "look back" memoir, but a delightful trove of anecdotes, facts, advice, and wisdom that will benefit PR pros at every station of their professional life. It is written in a conversational tone and can be read in several sittings, at your own pace. Those new to the profession will receive good advice and benchmarks for success; senior pros will be reminded of the value of approaching their work with a servant's heart and integrity. All will be inspired to make the profession stronger."
J. Alexander Greenwood, Podcast Host, 'PR After Hours'
"As a young professional, this book served as a perfect mentor-mentee read for me! The lessons written about are a great framework for me as I continue in my career. The personal stories help bring life, character, and excitement to the content, making me feel connected to the author and the PR industry as a whole. It is an easy read, but packed with great information from an outstanding PR professional."
- Mikayla Estepp, Graduate Student, Digtial Marketing and Communications Management
"This book is an inspiration complete with lessons for anyone in a management position! I almost disregarded it because it referenced nonprofit....WRONG! I was suddenly saddled with a management position at my family business and suddenly was in charge of all operations. This book was first a reinforcement for what I was doing and insight and instructions for things to do in the future. I was both relieved; and yet inspired for a future in a business that I love. Thank you!"
Rebecca Lawyer, Part Owner, Bourbon County Times, Paris, Kentucky
"I bought this not knowing quite what to expect. It is a sharp and charming read full of insight and real world wisdom. What Marc has to say about constant learning, PR as strategy not just tactics, the value of mentors, building face to face relationships is powerful and compelling. A portable mentor for any PR professional."
- Ben Pinnington, Author and Founder/Managing Director, Polaris Media Management, Glasshouse, Alderley Park, Cheshire, United Kingdom
"I couldn’t put it down! From sharing his vast experience in the world of PR, to addressing life’s everyday communication needs, Marc Whitt instantly becomes the friend you’d like to have coffee with and mentor inspiring any age to dream. PR Lessons Learned Along the Way offers real-life relationship building strategies and high level PR expertise, each with unparalleled authenticity. It’s a must-read. Brilliant!"
- Colleen Spencer, Co-Host, Development Strategist
"Marc Whitt's book, PR Lessons Learned Along The Way, is brilliant. The book is full of optimism, inspiration and meaningful quotes. Marc has clearly applied his many years of experience and knowledge to each area he addresses, he provides pragmatic advice and solutions that will help everyone throughout their PR career. A book every PR person should have by their side. Well done Marc!"
- Jackie Warburton, Manchester, England
"PR Lessons Learned Along the Way by Marc Whitt is a "must-have" for public relations professionals at any stage of their professional journey. Packed full of sage advice, Marc shares from his personal and professional experiences to teach valuable lessons. Not just for higher education and non-profits but small business owners need to make sure their PR person (or agency) has a copy. As president of the South Georgia Chapter of PRSA, I invited Marc to join our group (via Zoom) so that he could share tips from the book. He did an excellent job highlighting the top "lessons learned." If you're looking for a PR speaker, contact Marc Whitt. According to my Amazon account, I have purchased 8 copies of the book, one to keep and others to give away, so I consider myself a VIP customer of Marc's book!"
- Thressea Boyd, Editor, South Georgia Business & Culture and PRSA South Georgia Chapter
"PR Lessons Learned Along the Way is a gift to have in one's hand so much great experience channeled into thoughtful, constructive structured chapters. I like the splashes of quotes throughout and the bulleted lists and paragraphs. A great kind of book where one can take notes and keep close by on the shelf as a reference too. The philanthropy chapters were especially of interest to me. Communicators must know the "donor audience."
- Brent Pieper, Ed.D., Associate Vice President for Philanthropy, University of Kentucky
"Marc Whitt is the ultimate professional in the public relations field, and his book "PR Lessons Learned Along the Way: Strategies, Tip & Advice for the Higher Ed and Nonprofit Public Relations Professionals" reflects every principle one should know. I worked with Marc for several years, and he practiced all of these tips. Marc knows how to work with people by using various methods discussed in the book. He makes people enjoy their work when they are working hard for their company. Follow Marc's advice, and you will go far in the public relations field. This book is easy to read and has many personal examples along the way. You will enjoy this book! Order it now!"
- Joan C. McKinney, Director, Office of University Communications, Campbellsville University
"Marc Whitt is the ultimate professional in the public relations field, and his book "PR Lessons Learned Along the Way: Strategies, Tip & Advice for the Higher Ed and Nonprofit Public Relations Professionals" reflects every principle one should know. I worked with Marc for several years, and he practiced all of these tips. Marc knows how to work with people by using various methods discussed in the book. He makes people enjoy their work when they are working hard for their company. Follow Marc's advice, and you will go far in the public relations field. This book is easy to read and has many personal examples along the way. You will enjoy this book! Order it now!"
- Joan C. McKinney, Director, Office of University Communications, Campbellsville University
"Marc Whitt is the ultimate professional in the public relations field, and his book "PR Lessons Learned Along the Way: Strategies, Tip & Advice for the Higher Ed and Nonprofit Public Relations Professionals" reflects every principle one should know. I worked with Marc for several years, and he practiced all of these tips. Marc knows how to work with people by using various methods discussed in the book. He makes people enjoy their work when they are working hard for their company. Follow Marc's advice, and you will go far in the public relations field. This book is easy to read and has many personal examples along the way. You will enjoy this book! Order it now!"
- Joan C. McKinney, Director, Office of University Communications, Campbellsville University
"Marc Whitt is the ultimate professional in the public relations field, and his book "PR Lessons Learned Along the Way: Strategies, Tip & Advice for the Higher Ed and Nonprofit Public Relations Professionals" reflects every principle one should know. I worked with Marc for several years, and he practiced all of these tips. Marc knows how to work with people by using various methods discussed in the book. He makes people enjoy their work when they are working hard for their company. Follow Marc's advice, and you will go far in the public relations field. This book is easy to read and has many personal examples along the way. You will enjoy this book! Order it now!"